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Covina First Baptist Church
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Covina First Baptist Church 1930
XYZ Program March 8, 2018
XYZ Program with Helen Anderson Joanne Mitchell Mary Booth-Cropped.jpg
Helen Anderson (whistler)
Joanne Mitchell (vocal soloist)
Mary Booth (piano soloist)
2000 Church Photo Directory

Mary (Daniels) Booth's Last Sunday Playing
 No 028 2015 09 13 10 20 40

Richardene Berry
 No 028 2015 09 13 10 20 40

David Leeman Hymnal
Jester Hairston Concert 1966

Wesley and Richardene Berry
Wesley Richardene Berry

First Baptist Church Photos - Leonard Daniels Collection
Wesley Richardene Berry

Photos compiled by Leonard G. Daniels, Jr.

First Baptist Church Pastors
CFB Pastors 01 resize


Historical Photos provided by Jan Eaton July 2014
Covina First Baptist 01
 Brick from Original SanctuaryNo 0128 9 10 2006 10 43 42 AM resize

 Old First Baptist Church Photos
1950s CFB Building Committee 01 pds092

 First Baptist Photos - Jan Eaton
1044283 Brouwer Bob 2

Celebrating Gods Faithfulness - Mary-Booth - Part-1 from If Only on Vimeo.

Celebrating Gods Faithfulness - Mary-Booth - Part-2 from If Only on Vimeo.

Celebrating Gods Faithfulness - Mary-Booth - Part-5 from If Only on Vimeo.

Aline's Church Recognition from If Only on Vimeo.


Dr. Bob Neill Sermons:

Dr. Bob Brouwer Sermons: